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Great work on the animation but the joke was only mildly amusing at best. The joke was predictable so that removed the surprise factor and deducted funny points.
Additionally, the video was scientifically inaccurate. You cannot open the emergency exit during flight due to cabin pressure (Smith 2013), especially at that high an altitude. The interior pressure fixes the door into place with such a large amount of force that even a champion bodybuilder can't budge it open. In order to open the door you'd have to force the pilot to depressurise the cabin first before you can open the door. If anyone's wondering how skydivers can dive off planes, it's because the planes they leap off from are not pressurised.
I'm giving most of the points for the fluid animation, so good work on that. I hope your future animations are funnier.

Smith, P. (2013). "Cockpit Confidential: Everything You Need to Know about Air Travel: Questions, Answers, & Reflections". Chicago: Sourcebooks.

Well-done animation and affecting narration with very appropriate background music. A compelling message too, though rather a little melodramatic. But still a very keen observation of the artist's mind and their constant struggle with their art not being "good enough". It's true enough that a lot of artists get thoughts like that. However, stating "your art is shit" like it applies to everything is fallacious.
You state it like a fact, but the only fact is that art is subjective. Even those amalgamations of other people's styles can be original; just because someone takes inspiration from another artist doesn't mean they're unoriginal and pretentious. Those previous artists had to take inspiration from something or someone else too. In fact, everything we make is essentially stolen from others - standing on the shoulders of giants if you will.
You can't count all art as being shit because art's quality cannot be quantified objectively. Each individual has their own experiences and will perceive art differently. That's the main point of art - art is not good because all the critics are raving about it; art is good because individuals are emotionally impacted by it and its existence enhances their life. That art will be shit to some but those individuals that appreciate it will think it's beautiful.
You're probably aware of this, and maybe this video wasn't meant to be taken from an objective standpoint but from the point of view of the artist with low self-esteem who feels the need to compare him/herself to other artists. In that case, good work on the "shit" art.

One part really rustled my jimmies.
00:29 "A Frankenstein on canvas"
People often mistakenly believe that the name Frankenstein refers to the monster in the story, but that name is actually attributed to Dr. Frankenstein - the scientist who brought the monster to life. The monster doesn't really have a name and is often just referred to as Frankenstein's monster.
Or maybe you are aware of that fact and "A Frankenstein on canvas" refers to the fact that the artist is emulating what Dr. Frankenstein did (Dr. Frankenstein collected body parts from corpses and combined them together to create his monster). Maybe you meant it in the way that people mean it when they say things like, "that's totally a Dali" or "That's a classic van Gogh" and so on. I'll assume that's the case and give you the benefit of the doubt.

Nice description.

dylan responds:

"but every song's like gold teeth, grey goose, trippin' in the bathroom
blood stains, ball gowns, trashin' the hotel room,
we don't care, we're driving cadillacs in our dreams.
but everybody's like cristal, maybach, diamonds on your timepiece.
jet planes, islands, tigers on a gold leash.
we don't care, we aren't caught up in your love affair."

- beyoncé, 2013

Recent Game Reviews

80 Game Reviews

This game has great level design, an original concept, and very responsive controls. There are also a good amount of levels available so it's satisfying for a short game. Plus the Level Maker feature is really great, giving players an opportunity to create their own levels if they're not satisfied with the current levels. The jump mechanic is actually really novel, and I think it's a great idea given my propensity to get my character to fall off platform ledges instead of jumping in platforming games (I'm sure I'm not the only one who's ever experienced this).

However, it's not perfect. My problem is not with the gameplay itself; that is mostly good. The difficulty was very fair too. The occasional bugs are what's annoying. You can easily get stuck in a level if you accidentally go back to the previous room. I had this problem with level called "An Obstructed Pathway". The following level had an arrow that changed the "gravity" of the room. Since the door to the previous room was still open, the character accidentally fell back to the previous room and since he was upside down there was no way he could exit the room. This is made especially annoying that if you exit to the menu, and if you want to get to that same point in the level, you have to play through the entire level from the beginning again. I'd say implement a checkpoint system that allows a player to return to a later room even after exiting the level, but I have a simpler solution (I actually think playing levels from the beginning is mostly fine); make the previous room inaccessible as soon as the player enters the next room. I see no reason to allow the player to access the previous room when there's nothing gained from doing so.

Mediocre story but fairly fun and challenging game.

Despite me saying the story was mediocre, I did like the 5 multiple endings! They were predictable but it's still mildly interesting seeing how differently Dora responds based on how long Danny's beard is.
The 2-button restriction was also implemented very well. In the beginning it was a little frustrating but after some practice, the movement was actually very easy to master. The maximum beard rank is very attainable even with minimal effort. The game is fun once you get over the learning curve, which honestly is not that steep.
PS @trollface68. If arrow controls were added that would mean there would be more than two control buttons. This game was made for Ludlum Dare 34 which had the theme of growth and using only 2 buttons. Adding more controls would not only not meet the specifications of Ludlum Dare 34, it also makes the game way to easy. Have you seen the level design? You could get the highest score on the first try with the arrow controls. What’s the fun in that?

When Danny gets caught by his dad and sent back to his room, you have to press the Up key to get rid of the Dad’s dialogue. This means as soon as Danny “respawns” he immediately jumps off the top centre platform and onto Hill the Bully on the middle left platform. It’s easy enough to avoid him while you’re in a period of semi-invincibility but this doesn’t stop this from being annoying. It may have been better if the 3 “enemies” at the top (Dad, Mom, and Kylie the Cheerleader) were similar to the bullies, i.e. their text automatically disappears and you don’t have to trigger it.

It doesn’t make sense that Kylie the Cheerleader pinching Danny’s cheeks or even her thinking Danny’s a dork would be emasculating. Wouldn’t that make him more popular because a cheerleader is into him? (The one talking about Dora’s date is more morale-depleting than emasculating too). He would really be emasculated if she asks him to go shopping with her or play Barbie dolls, or manicure their nails together.
When Danny’s dad catches him he is sent back to his room but when his mother says he’s “grounded” he stays on the same platform. I found this to be an inconsistency. Wouldn’t “grounding” Danny indicate that he was forced to stay in his room?

This is fun for a short game and is a good time-waster. You really did a lot given the restrictions you had. As you see I didn’t really have a lot of negatives to say regarding this title. If it were a professional release I might, but as it is it’s okay. Great work!!

Recent Audio Reviews

48 Audio Reviews

Are you just posting all of your musical experiments on here?
This one's not very interesting; and not very nice to listen to. I think you'll have better chances of being scouted if you publish complete works.

In fact, this one's so simple, I can summarise the notes you played. They might be slightly wrong but they'll play the same melody that this song played.


Post better works in the future. :)

Joined on 3/5/09

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